Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How Do Summer Homes Spend the Winter?

A summer home on Cape Cod is a sanctuary, a retreat from the stresses of landlocked life. But it does not come without its own worries. What if there's a cold snap in the dead of winter and the pipes freeze? What if a bunch of kids breaks in and trashes the place? What if there's a strong storm that damages the property?
These are real concerns, and can obscure the peace and calm that a vacation home is meant to provide. How do second homeowners get their properties safely through the off-season?
  • One of the lovely things about Cape Cod is our friendly community. If there is a year-round resident in your neighborhood, make friends with them! Most of us would be happy to hold a key and keep an eye on the house for you.
  • You may have a trusted handyman who already knows the property. For a minimal fee you can probably ask him to take a peek at the house from time to time, and call you if there's a problem.
  • If you really just want to put all worries out of your mind, and you don't mind paying for it, you can call a professional home watch company like Cape Associates, Inc. which will visit your home every week, exercise your heat system, inspect the interior and exterior, and even make a special trip to inspect after extreme weather.

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