Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do You Like Wine? Fantastic Kids? LIFE?

My dear friends and clients started out 2011 with the devastating news that their amazing son had leukemia. Bennett Hartley has ALL but has been a rock star throughout his grueling treatment. His prognosis is as good as you can hope for with his diagnosis. So far he's been lucky that there's been sufficient donated blood to meet the needs of his (so far) 3 transfusions. There are so many other kids and adults right now, as you read this, who depend on people like you and me to donate our healthy blood.
This Friday, March 25 at Cape Cod Bible Alliance Church on route 6A in Brewster from 11:30-5:30 Children's Hospital will be holding a blood drive in Bennett's name. For every one of you who donates, I will put your name into a raffle for two bottles of wine (one red, one white). Just send me an email after you donate. The winner will be announced on, facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (and of course email to the winner!).