Tuesday, November 29, 2011

She Didn't Owe Us Anything

These are some shots from yesterday's demolition of the old bath house at Corporation Beach in Dennis. As old and obsolete as it was, I can't help but get a little nostalgic about waiting in line to use those smelly bathrooms which fed into a failed septic system, or the fry stench from clogged grease traps, or scratching my head at the fact that less mobile folks had to use a big, hot porta potty at the bottom of the hill...Wait a minute...! I'm not really going to miss those things at all.
The new building comes with a brand new septic system, modern industrial kitchen gear for the snack bar, outside rinsing showers, and additional toilets--including handicapped accessible ones, and an ADA-approved ramp/trail up the hill so EVERYBODY can eat their french fries on the bluff.

Stay tuned for pics of the new construction!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just for Dennis folks: Town Meeting Tonight, Cup o' Joe on Me Tomorrow


Let Me Buy You a Cup of Coffee at Buckies!
Tonight at 7 pm there is a special town meeting in Dennis and it hasn't been highly publicized, but there are a lot of articles that my Dennis friends will be proud to show up for. We've got some great things going on in our town! Some of the topics: 

-Sidewalks on Lower County Road
-A solar farm at the old dump
-Keeping our school district together

I personally will be voting YES on all of these, and encourage my Dennis friends to do the same. But regardless of what position you take, just by showing up you will have served your town well.

As a special incentive and thank you to everyone of my Dennis friends for showing up and supporting our town tonight, I will buy you a cup of coffee at Buckies tomorrow. Show up anytime tomorrow at Buckies Biscotti in Dennis Port, show them your yellow voter tag and get yourself a cup of coffee on me!