Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Recap: Top 10 Signs of Spring on Cape Cod

10. Roadkill
9. Birds!
8. Crushing Disappointment
7. Cadbury Eggs
6. Levitating Mulch
4. My Birthday!
3. Right Whales in the Bay
2. My Husband's Annual Poison Ivy Attack

Signs of Spring on Cape Cod. Sign #1: THE HERRING ARE RUNNING!

I'm posting this a few weeks late. This is just the most fun and amazing sign of spring for me. The Brewster herring run by the grist mill is one of the most magical places on earth, much less Cape Cod. I swear fairies live there.
Every April during my many frequent trips by the herring run I keep an extra eye out for seagulls lurking about the run. There is a direct correlation between the density of hovering gulls and that of the migrating herring. It's awesome!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sign #2 of Spring on Cape Cod: My Husband's Annual Poison Ivy Attack

My husband gets poison ivy like it's his job. Right on schedule, every spring the evil weed seeks out Mark's skin, and I think lymph nodes too. He's one of those people who gets a tiny little spot that within hours morphs into a blistering, oozing patch of itchy hamburger. By day he stoically soldiers on, dutifully applying prescription ointments and popping his prednisone, not so much as touching a spot, much less scratching. It's torture for him. But by night in the vulnerability of sleep, the bed shakes as he rakes at his flesh. I feel so bad for him. This year's attack was less overwhelming in its reach, only showing up in a couple of spots. However, it made up for its sparseness with its appearance in the most unfortunate areas...poor guy!