Friday, March 22, 2013

A Picture is Worth $1,000 (or more!)

This spring morning, most of us in New England woke to a big snowy surprise. Most of us were not exactly thrilled at this wintry aftershock. Certainly any Realtor can tell you that snow is not good for business, especially when you are in the business of selling summer vacation homes!

But I am of the mind that there is so little that we can control, we may as well control our outlooks. Upon looking out the window this morning I'll confess to at first uttering a few choice words for that lying sack of groundhog, but I quickly came around to this idea:

Get out there and take a picture of your house right now. All shrouded in white and could almost hang a wreath on the door, couldn't you? Now save that picture. And when spring finally comes around and the bulbs are blooming and the flowering trees are in bud, take another picture. Come July when the hydrangeas explode and the lawn is bright green and trees are full of leaves, get another shot of it. Finally, when the maples go yellow and the berries are on the bushes, capture it one more time.

You see, one of these days you are going to sell your house. You may already have a plan, or you may not  be there yet, but eventually you and your Realtor are going to be charged with the task of presenting your house as a place where somebody else would like to call home.

The way you present your home to  buyers is just as important as choosing the right price. In fact, the better your house presents, the closer your Realtor can place it to the top of its price range. By showing beautiful images of the house through the seasons, it helps a buyer imagine themselves enjoying the house at all times of the year.

So curse the groundhog and the weatherman if you must, but then buck up and start snapping away. A picture is worth $1,000 (or more)!

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